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Lake Pend Orielle   Total Page Hits: 2178

Post Type: Destination/Story

State: Idaho

Date Modified: 06/05/2016 10:43 PM


"This was a 2 day jaunt, planned as a shakedown cruise for the San Juan trip. Randy Graves M17 NotSoDinky (see Album), Gary Hyde M17 Hydeaway II(see Album), and I were the only ones able to make it that weekend. It was too far away for the majority of the San Juan group. Pend Oreille lake is in northern Idaho, about an hour and a half drive for me, a half hour for Randy, and I'm guessing maybe a 3 hour drive for Gary. This wasn't the first time he'd had HydeawayII out, by the way, but it was the first time Randy and I got to see her.

We launched on Saturday morning, the first weekend in May, at Farragut State Park. We had beautiful sunshine and strong following winds. Steady 15 or so, some gusts 20, 25 or better. At those times Gary and I were over canvassed with our 150's, but we were having too much fun to slow down. Randy started to drop behind with his working jib, so I challenged Gary to a race back to Randy. Yikes! Turning back upwind when you're overcanvassed really shows how rusty a guy can get over the winter. By the time I got things settled down Gary was wondering what in the world I was doing and Randy had caught up.

The 12 mile run to Whiskey Rock campground was mostly wing and wing, and didn't take nearly long enough, so we filled in the afternoon hiking along the bluffs overlooking the lake. The small dock there was surprisingly busy for early May, but we managed to squeeze in. For dinner, Randy tested his new Force 10 BBQ. I've got to get one of those!

The return trip on Sunday was grey with threatening rain, the winds were light and erratic, but we sailed most of the way back before giving up and motoring on in. We needed to put some time on our motors anyway to make sure they were ready for the islands, so that worked out all right. The clouds opened and really dumped just as we finished loading up.

Obviously, all the pictures were taken Saturday in the sunshine".

Photos and Story by Larry Yake M17 "CornDog"

About that Force 10 Stainless Steel BBQ: Force 10 still has their name on some of the boxes, however, the manufacturer is now Kuuma Products Co Randy has the Small - Part No. 83730. Also pictured on his is the leg/handle option so it may sit on the deck or on a picnic table and the rail mount. Randy added his own teak footings. Look at the Kuuma distributors page to find a dealer / distributor near you.


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