Bonita Total Page Hits: 4371
Boat Type: Montgomery 17
Boat Owner: Michael,Bowden
Hull Number: 92
Home Port: Minneapolis, MN
General Location: Minnesota
Last Modified: 01/17/2022 01:43 AM
Michael Bowden... AKA: Bones to all of us on the Montgomery Owners Group, bought Bonita in 1996, after five months of negotiations with the prior owner, a Lake Superior, Charter Captain. Bones had looked for two years before he saw her and tenacity won out. She was his.
I have trailer sailed this boat to many of the great cruising grounds of the northern midwest. Among the locations: Lake Vermilion, Apostles Islands, Lake Pepin, The North Channel of Lake Huron, and Isle Royale.
Bonita was sailed for five years before Bones stepped up to a larger M23. Both craft have been retained.
Fast forward to the present day. I have made the decision to downsize back to my M17 and do more lake exploring. I am presently looking for a new owner for my M23 Dhana.
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